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Old 12-30-2008, 05:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
Ok, I guess I'm going to expose my ignorance and stupidity with this but I'll ask it anyhow. Is living with red bugs completely off the table? I was looking at Ching Chai's incredible SPS tank in Thailand thread again this week and noticed right off the bat (among others who commented) that the closeup pictures clearly show red bugs. He just shrugged it off, basically saying "meh" (that's my own summarization mind you). I mean let's face it his tank looks like some kind of SPS bomb blew up in it.

PS/edit: For anyone who doesn't know what thread I mean: number=5
At this point, with my corals looking good the only big downside is in finding homes for frags but as long as anyone who gets corals from me is aware that the frags need treating then it should be alright.

If the corals go downhill then maybe I'll have to rethink but until then I think I'm going to leave everything alone

300g tank
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