Thread: Bedroom Tanks??
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Old 12-30-2008, 02:15 AM
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GreenSpottedPuffer GreenSpottedPuffer is offline
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My tank is beside my bed and dead quite with a herbie drain. I love having the blue moon lights on all night and being able to be beside the tank at all times.

I live in an open concept loft though where its basically just one big room with a separate bathroom and storage closets...everything else is just in the same room, so the 6' tank acts as a peninsula divider between the bed/living room and kitchen. I can't imagine the place without it. The bed is also a murphy bed that folds up into a cabinet...the fish FREAK out when I raise it up beside them! I find I keep the bed down most of the time now because they hate it passing by the side of the tank.
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