Update: ... not really much to update other than to let people know im still here. Ive saved up about $525 now.. shesh this is gonna take me forever. The majority of the cash is going into our Newfoundland trip for this summer (family reunion on my hubbys side). My budget is $1200. I went to check out the prices today to see if prices changed... YUP! Everything went up by a lot. My tank costs just for setups are now and extra $200 total. WTF!!! And that doesnt include corals or fish. You have no idea how much it upsets me.
But anyway i managed to shave off $100 for a total of $1018.88 approximately which leaves me about $150 for coral and fish. Yikes.
Heres my new list of what to buy (but im not happy about the price increases for any of them)
Test Kit
20lbs Fiji pink substrate
50lbs Instant Ocean Salt (From the original 160gal mix)
100w Ebo Jagger heater
12inch proscraper (from original 24inch)
Tunze Protein Skimmer
Ocean Nutrition small pellets (from other more expensive brand)
Nova Extreme T5 HO 4x39 (price went up on this by a lot)
22lbs dead Rock from bulk reef supply
Corals I really want are:
Ice blue cloves, blue zoas or zoas with blue in them (maily light blue so they are easier to see), some pink zoas for contrast, Gemini Palys (because im a gemini ), Blue shrooms, Blue rics and rics with blue in them, pulsing xenia (the one that looks like it has a blue stripe going through its main stalks and fingers), Something that will move in the current like a hammer or elegance coral <puurrrddyy, and something that is freaky coloured like WOW possible acan or blasto.
2 true percs and possibly a coral beauty (my fav fish)
CUC snails and hermies and cleaner shrimp maybe.
A $200 increase in store prices made a lot of what I want unreachable, stupid economy or canadian/US doller thingie, whatever is ruining my plans BOOOO!!!