Thread: ZEO leap
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Old 12-29-2008, 04:58 PM
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Johnny Reefer Johnny Reefer is offline
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I tested for K again, using the Korallen-Zucht kit. Oy vey . The main issue(s) I have with the kit is Step 5.

Quote: "After 4 minutes place the test vial into the 'positioning device' on the color strip starting on the right side of the color bar."
Positioning device? Do they mean that piece of cardboard with a hole in it that the test vial doesn't fit into?

Quote: "Look from top through the milky liquid to the color strip".
The liquid is milky! How the heck is one suppose to look through it?

Quote: "Push the test vial with the positioning device slowly from right to left until you can hardly or no longer see the color strip."
Again, can't see the color strip in the first place because the solution is milky.

Quote: "In the middle of the test vial you will have the potassium concentration of your tankwater."
Huh? In the middle of the test vial? What the heck is that suppose to mean?

Quote: "Remove the positioning device and read off the potassium concentration in mg/l on the color strip."
Again, the "positioning device" can't be attached in the first place.

After having used this kit twice now, I've concluded that Step 5 is just a fancy-schmancy convuluted and confusing way of simply saying "After 4 minutes compare the solution to the color strip." I got what looked to be about 250 mg/l.

But I digress, as not being a keeper of SPS, I really don't need this kit. I guess I'm just in a rant mood. Sorry for the mini-hijack. Back to you.


Last edited by Johnny Reefer; 12-29-2008 at 05:00 PM. Reason: Typo
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