Originally Posted by Delphinus
...The basic gyst of my blathering here is that common names are more of a gong show.  I prefer latin id's when possible but I guess that just means my geek is showing.
Tony, so very true! I guess I'm a geek too as the first thing I try to figure out is the latin name. With mine, I asked them to double check the shipping manifest and confirm I was receiving a
doliatus as I ordered....seems even the wholesalers are wrong sometimes, oh well, I love my "brown trout" anyway
Originally Posted by Delphinus
..Anyhow, rabbitfish have very large eye lenses. That film you see is just how they are. I don't think I've ever seen a perfectly clear lens on a rabbitfish, I think it's just the way light refracts through them. It's not pop eye or cloudy eye at all - it will have a much milkier look to it if that were the case.
I'm glad to hear this, I was concerned that mine has these funky clouded eyes but he certainly doesn't appear to have any vision problems as he can gulp up food faster than any of his tankmates. The cloudiness also has some fluorescense as it will often glow a bright blue, especially under actinics only. Strangely, sometimes his eyes will clear right up and in his "night stealth" mode (when he's disguised as a rock) his lenses will develop a black cross pattern as part of his camo. Very strange fish indeed