No, Razz had the common name wrong. (Part of the problem with common names is a lot of wholesalers and retailers get them wrong and then it perpetuates down to us commoners.) Anyhow, the only reason I know this because for the amount of time it took me to find a legitimate "scribbled rabbitfish" (Siganus doliatus) I became rather obsessive-compulsive about ID'ing scribbled rabbitfish.

Anyhow what you have is not a S. doliatus.
What you DO have there is I think is one of Siganus stellatus or Siganus punctatus. I can't really tell from the picture to be 100% which one. A third but less likely possibility is Siganus guttatus.
Here's a good page with pictures of each species:
My suggestion is try googling these species names and compare the pictures to what you see and which one of the 3 most likely suspects will probably become more apparent.