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Old 12-28-2008, 06:48 AM
yeeg yeeg is offline
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Tanglewood
Posts: 57
yeeg is on a distinguished road

2 - 1000ml bottles of B Balance
2 - 1000ml bottles of K Balance Strong
2 - 1000ml bottles of Pohls Xtra
1 - 1000ml bottle of ZeoSpur2
1 - 100ml bottle of coral vitalizer
1 - 1000ml bottle of Coral Snow
4 - Tunze Tubelle Stream 2 pump 6125

Still need about 6 cases of KZ RB Salt...RC has some in stock but I had to work during the time the sale was on...Will have to keep my eyes peeled for smoking deals on that salt...

650G Mixed, 5 - Lumenarc 250w 10K, 4 - Tunze Turbelle 6101 w/7095, BK 250 External

650# - Tonga LR, 49 sps, 9 lps, 4 softies, 10 mush/zoas, 1 clam

Blonde Naso, Sohal, 2 Yellow Tangs, Juv Emperor, CBB, Achilles, Kole, Solar Fairy Wrasse, paired pencil Wrasse, Cleaner Wrasse, Blue lined rabbit Fish, 8 clowns, lawnmower blenny, mandarin dragonet, sand sifting goby, abalone, tux urchin, black spiny urchin, 4 cleaner shrimp, 1 fire shrimp, 150+ snails/crabs/conches
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