Thanks everyone for the blade recommendations. They helped a lot, and made shopping very simple.
All the clams are happy again. The water change and extending the MH lighting period again seemed to have solved it. I'm returning the MHs back to 7 hours a day.
Kevin has been very good about watching over the tank. I've been really sick for all of December, and unable to do much of anything. I only worked 3.5 days this month for my regular day job. I wished I could have take advantage of boxing day sales, but I'm still mostly house-bound.
I still think that some predator survived the crash. Before we moved I had at least two fish that just vanished without explanation. I think some predator survived because Kevin told me that we have a missing fish. I thought I checked over all the rocks when we re-started after the crash. I guess I missed something.
Until I'm better I'll just keep planning the big tank and living vicariously through everyone else. I think the internet has been the sole thing to accredit for me retaining my sanity through this illness.