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Old 12-27-2008, 01:35 PM
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Ok i thinkI have this sorted out with the stuff pretty easy.
Dec 24- dosed 2 ml of Ammino Acid. first thing
made up some paste, ultra min clam food sucked out the blue liquid then dosed a bit in the tank. im only using around 1 ml every time I feed thou I dont want to over feed.
Dec 25 dosed Ammino Acids again
and fed 2 times with the clam food.
Dec 26 same thing. Noticed that hte huge Squamosa has a brighter color today , may be its just me.
Dec 27 going to take some pictures of the clams and the sps with their PE
on my Bule tip stag the PE is crazy to.

Just one question. Can I dose the Ammino 2 times per day say 1.5ml in the morning and 1.5 ml in the evening?
What happnens when you dose to much ammino acids to the tank.
Oh ya does the filter sock have anything negitive effects on the tank wil it catch all the food?
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
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