Thread: FS: Cuttlefish
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Old 12-25-2008, 03:49 PM
theredben theredben is offline
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Default FS: Cuttlefish

Here is a chance you don't get often. I picked up a batch of eggs 2 weeks or so ago, they wanted me to take all of them, which is too many for me and I was wondering if anyone else wanted some. I am not sure how many I have, maybe 10(they don't line up like I want them to for roll call each night) I want 6 so there should be 4 leftover. I won't sell them off until they are eating frozen food. Should be a few more weeks. Let me know if you are interested.
These are not going into someone's established reef, or FO tank. If you want to take the fish out of your reef tank, or just set up a specimen tank that is fine. Price is negoitable, but trades would be more than welcome.
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