Thread: ZEO leap
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Old 12-24-2008, 04:16 AM
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I'm using the K-Z one (the Zeovit one). I don't remember reading anything about a pink/orange colour? It's totally white and the liquid is the total opposite of totally transparent. Opaque? Is that the word? I'm not sure. "Opaque" to me implies some translucency. It may as well be whole milk, there's no seeing through the liquid. If I take a flashlight and shine it up through the bottom then I have a vague perception of the colour strip but I'm not sure if I'm imagining it or not.

So there's a colour? Ok I'm more convinced than ever before I might have a dud test kit. I need to find someone close to me who tests K so I can compare test results maybe.

Thanks for the info, sorry for the hijack and good luck with the zeo. Other than the KZ K test kit I have only positive things to say about zeo.
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