Thread: First SW Tank
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Old 12-21-2008, 07:48 PM
makana makana is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Vernon, BC
Posts: 215
makana is on a distinguished road

Thanks for all the input. Since im not in any hurry I will give the tuffa its chance. Amonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate were all at 0 yesterday so I did a water change today.

My PH is 8.1, Cal 440ppm, Sal 34ppt, but Alk is only 7dkh. I have read that it can be caused by the cycle but can't find out if it will recover now that the cycle is done or should I raise it?

I also checked my water for phosphate and there was none, then I mixed in the salt and checked again and it had 0.5mg/l. Is this normal or do I have bad salt?

I also seem to have a breeding population of stomatella snails living in the live rock. Are they good or bad?
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