Thread: First SW Tank
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Old 12-20-2008, 06:13 PM
new but handy new but handy is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: vernon b.c.
Posts: 303
new but handy is on a distinguished road

Hi I don't think I've seen any good base rock in vernon or kelowna.
I bought a 50# box at J&L, 50# of live rock at OA, and I made 100ish# of my own rock.
Like everyone says you shouldn't use lava rock or limestone, lots of chemicles in those to leech into your a-querium. My tank has been running since sept. My base rock looks like my live rock and my home made rock is getting close.
I added my cuc after about a month. Corriline is just starting to spread(finally)onto glass and pumps ect.
Have fun and go slow (It's hard)
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