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Old 12-20-2008, 06:35 AM
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Originally Posted by JDigital View Post
Hmmm Another tank..... Well, not really "another", because my 10G contest tank broke on me and decided to drain onto the floor, so this new tank is just taking its place.. but it will also be an upgrade for my 20G, so really in the end, I'll actually have 1 tank less... but 10G's more water than now.. Make sense?!??!

Anyways, a few details I'm planning on and working out.

First off "The Tank":

It is a custom built tank for a customer at my LFS, but that customer backed out on the purchase, and so the tank was sitting at the store, so I got curious about it and inquired on the price, reasonable price for a 24x24x16 40G rimless (aka braceless) cube. The rimless style is something I have been looking at alot lately, so figured what better opportunity could present itself. I do need to drill it myself, and add an overflow, but that's no big deal.

2 Options: a) Corner 90 B) Center back

Couple pics of the tank to give you guys your fix.

Lighting will come in part from a 175W 13K MH that is currently running on my 20G. If some money opens up in my favor, I might upgrade that to a 250W 14KHQI w/Galaxy Ballast system. Supplemental light will be 2x24W HOT5 Actinics.

Flow will be provided to the tank by the OceanRunner 2500 return pump, and I'm thinking 2x Koralia 2's.

Sump plans are still TBD... I'm thinking of recycling the 20 as the sump. Either a Tunze 9005 or Deltec MCE300 taking care of the skimming.. 2x Phosban Reactors (1 Phosphate Remover, 1 Carbon).

More to follow.......... B)
bah.. I speet on you...
I once had a Big tank...I now have two Huskies and a coyote

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