Originally Posted by sphelps
Yeah still somewhat disappointing, the nano contest ends in April, still plenty of time in the new year. It just seems like you're giving up a little too easy, and still awfully quick to start a new project which I'm sure you'll have up and running by April.
You're entitled to your opinion.
And like I said, I'm not in a rush to get the 20G transferred (nor do I have the time). I just wanted to get the tank home from the shop so someone else didn't buy it..

Is it wrong to post a thread?
superduper: Center Center crossed my mind briefly, but it kinda leaves me stuck with the "pile of rock" around it... never really seen and SWEET aquascaping in center center overflow tanks... Got any pics of some??
Stircrazy: fishytime actually tossed that idea out, but I'm not sure i want to risk drilling that close to the edge of the tank..