Thread: First SW Tank
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Old 12-19-2008, 06:45 PM
makana makana is offline
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Location: Vernon, BC
Posts: 215
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Default First SW Tank

I recently started my first sw setup and was hoping you could answere a few questions for me.

I started a 10g nano with sugar sand, 10lbs base rock, 2lbs live rock. My goals is to seed the base rock with the live rock.

The cycle is almost finished. I had a diatom bloom at the height of amonia levels wich quickly died off, and now have a second bloom. I also seem to be having a bloom of hair algea.

When is an apropriate time to begin adding the clean up crew? Once the cycle is done then the bacteria are there for the nitrogen cycle, but is that enough for proper live rock filtration? Should I be waiting until my base rock looks more like my live rock, or is it considered live at the end of the cycle?

Does anyone have experiance seeding base rock?

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