Welcome to ZeoLand, you will love the results...
I would also recommend the following:
- of course zeoBak, like you said
- ZeoFood7, this is done twice a week with the zeoBak
- ZeoStart, done daily (2ml per 250 gallons) and helps enhances the zeosystem
- ZeoSpur2, done every 7-10 days
otherwise you have everything else I use. I don't use sponge power, but that is because I don't have any sponges that I care about.
I am running a 1.5L reactor for my 175gallon DT and 105 gallon refugium, I didn't need the 3L, as it wouldn't fit, but the 1.5L is working well
I find that what is very important is a good skimmer. I was having problems with some algae that just couldn't kill. I put in a EuroReef rs180 skimmer and it performed magic. I must say the EuroReef is the King and now algae is under control, or should I say almost, some dead stuff hanging around for the Tangs to eat.
I also run a Deltec 509 fluidizer with carbon that then is fed into a 2 little fishies fluidizer (also with carbon), for a double treatment. I find this also works very well with the Zeovit, as it is recommended that carbon is run 24/7
I hope this helps, have fun.... Zeovit isn't cheap, but I can say the results are nice.