Thread: Custom 120
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Old 12-16-2008, 10:26 PM
xtopher xtopher is offline
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Join Date: May 2006
Location: Prince George BC
Posts: 14
xtopher is on a distinguished road

Here's the tank in the crate. I had it built by Concept Aquariums in Edmonton. Overall I am very happy with the quality of the tank. It was built exactly to my specifications

I removed the carpet from the wet room and discovered that there was some old 70's sticker tile that was stuck on VERY well. after attempting removal with a manual scraper I resorted to electric
I decided to put 2-part epoxy paint on the floor which was pretty easy and I was pleased with the result. I then began construction of the stand
It is standard issue 2X4 construction. The stand in the pic had something wrong with it so I rebuilt it without all the brackets but you get the idea.

The wall wasn't supporting so it was easy to cut a hole in it to place the tank

This tank is custom in that I had a coast-to-coast internal overflow added to, essentially, a 150 gallon tank.

I went with a herbie style overflow because I like how they work and I have a small (90 gal) sump under the stand.
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