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Old 12-16-2008, 03:03 AM
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Default Timers vs the Powerbar

Has any one else ever wondered why digital timers are so huge?

In an attempt to clean up my tank wiring I picked up a new power bar. I am using two timers, one to control my lights and the second runs my cooling fan. Well these timers are both identical digital units. Of course these things are shaped just so that if you plugged one into the top plug of an outlet, you can no longer plug anything into the bottom plug.
What a ridiculous design. Well you might have guessed, my new power bar had what I thought was just enough plugs to fit everything I needed on there. Until I tried to plug my last two items in, the timers.
I can plug one or the other in, but not both. These timers are the most compact design I have been able to find that still had all the features I want. Which brings me to my question:

Why do timers have to be so big and bulky?
Do timer manufacturers shun the modern world, by ignoring the current trend of making everything smaller? Its not like the timer needs to be this huge, other than the switch mechanism, all the other guts can be fairly tiny. And why can't the shape of the case be improved so as to function harmoniously with all other electrical cords and outlets?

What timers are the majority of you guys and girls using?

Thanks and sorry for the rant.
If it is just us,
It seems like an awful waste of space.
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