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Old 12-15-2008, 06:22 PM
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Default I admit it, I was out of line

I visited two LFS stores and one of them had large captive fish. I can honestly say these fish looked very happy and well adjusted. This store was so helpful and knowledgeable, and made us happy to spend money. All the fish were social and begging for food readily and the big fish had big tanks to swim freely.

Both stores had people right beside my hubby and I, and I had to ask them help other patient clients while we contemplated livestock. These stores were so helpful, I have no need to shop anywhere else to be honest. I have my one store where I love the owner and he clicks with us so well. Now I have these two others as well.

I am glad I had PMs to check these two other stores out although they were very out of my way to go there. They are well worth the commute.

Although I still feel large fish should be in the wild, I now know some LFSs do care about the fish, and the homes they go to. I feel bad for judging every LFS as being the same now and apoligize for prematurely making statements. I know these stores will not sell me fish if they feel I cannot care for them properly, and that is a very good thing.

My hubby bought one of his "dream" fish, a large Emperor Angel, and I felt comfortable for him to do so. I know my polyps might not have a chnce but we were told this and hubby said he would buy them for "Quinn" to eat if needed. However Quinn eats pellets readily and is so happy in my tank so I have no regrets.

This whole experience does prove to me that fish do care about where they are, and how they are kept. I have never seen such happy fish aside of my own. So I am not totally wrong in some statements, but it does depend on the LFS you shop at.

This hobby has taught me so much about many things, and also that personal issues and feelings are not always warranted. I will not beat myself up over this hobby any longer but I will not shop at stores that make me feel this way.

Please don't beat me up over coming forward and saying I was wrong. I feel I should apologize for judging, and I really am sorry about it. I am very new to this hobby and just feel I should ask questions when I don't really know myself. To some of the other members that bashed me in a different post, please do not reply as it will not be productive in the end.

Sorry to anyone I did offend as it was not trying to flame anyone. I just saw things I did not feel were right, and now I know not every LFS is created equally.
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