I guess I should start my own thread to build off. This is my new 300 gal Marineland deep dimension tank (72x36x27) We recently purchased a new home and I seized the opportunity to upgrade, my previous tank was a 180 which was an upgrade from my original 77 gal which I started over 18 years ago (boy have things changed). I allways wanted a tank built into a wall and the new house gave me the opportunity. The tank has now been up and running for four months and all went smooth with the move and there was only a few minor casualties, here are a few pics I will try to get some better ones later.
Tank built into wall, service room behind.

One of the many patches of pocillipora (grows like a weed in my tank)

My frogspawn, started as a single polyp from Marie a few years back, now has 20+ heads

My clam (lost the other one in the move)
I will try to get better pics of some of the other inhabitants later.