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Old 12-14-2008, 06:04 PM
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You're totally welcome, I'm glad I could help. I'm also glad you asked about this because I was totally wrong

Turns out I only put 2 layers of mesh on and apparently I worked up the courage to cut the pins off. Quite frankly though, that was only after Tony did his and I don't think it made any difference. Plus its a huge pain in the arse to get the impeller out of the pump now as there is nothing to grab onto to haul it out (the shaft comes out on its own ) Anyway, if you are going to cut the pins off leave a couple on there to grab with pliers. In hindsight I think I probably would have just left them all on but either way I guess.

here are some more pics:

Like I said before, this mod has been going strong for a good couple of years now (or darned close to it). The mesh as of today is showing no signs of degradation or "injury". There was quite a bit of gack (detritus) in the pump so again, glad you asked about this as it gives me a kick in the arse to keep up on my maintenance
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