Bongy, Sounds like a good idea as well. How much pressure is your water in producing? Also what valve are you using? The drip valves I've used don't seem to work well with too much pressure.(leaks) I don't know if I'd trust one that is hooked up to and endless supply of water. Just thinking out loud. With the soliniod in the picture it wouldn't matter pretty much anything could go wrong past the soliniod and water would only be on for the set time like 1hr not 24/7. Now someone with a 10 gpd ro unit and something fails thats only 10 per day added were ever the problem was. Either to the floor or the tank. Now some one with a 100gpd ro unit your talking alot more water. Plus consided the fact that something always happens when your not home. Like gone camping for the weekend or holidays for a week. Thats some serious water issues to come home to. Like the thread says "Something to think about" For those with no back up sleep tight