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Old 05-04-2003, 04:46 PM
Acro Acro is offline
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Location: Abbotsford
Posts: 495
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Default Something to think about

Hello All,

This is a diy thread but feel it would be best put here. The other day I was surfing RC and came across this thread. Now this was IMO one of the nicest sps systems I've seen through photo's. It's photographed in Reef Secrets by Nilsen & Fossa. Also in a upcoming book by Mike Paletta. Unfortunately this tank is no longer do to the mishap mentioned in the thread. I beleive Eric Borneman has also had this happen in the past. Murphy's Law is alive and well in this hobby and i only want to pass on a possible safety system for these FW float top off system many run. If you go to your local home repair center and buy the following. One sprinkler soliniod. Mine is 3/4 and I reduced it to 3/8th for the ro nylon line. You'll also need a ac adapter and a timer. So what I did was run the soliniod inline from my house main to the ro then to my tank via a float valve. I hooked up the ac adapter to the timer and only leave the timer set to be 15 to 30 min longer then top up is needed. This way if something every leaked one would only get the amount of FW the timer was over set for. Not the 24/7 you'd get with out. You sump will flucuate with this method do to FW only being added at a set time. I like this approach as it gives one a safety if the float fails you still have the soliniod and vis versa.
Jamie Cross
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