Thread: Horrible
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Old 12-10-2008, 10:28 PM
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I saw it... twice. I knew it was happening and am glad there is a documentory about it. I don't know why people don't care what happ-ens in our world. Some day future generations will look at ours' with disgust and contempt. I hope. I also think sharks kept in aquariums is very sad as well, but we saw my post about large fish in captivity.

Sadly the way things are going now, captive animals will be the only one left.

Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
Everyone should see "Sharkwater" by Rob Stewart if you have not already. Its very hard to watch but an incredible documentary on shark finning. The cinematography is amazing.

Not to get too far off subject but you should see areas of the reef in the Philippines that collectors have used cyanide or gasoline to collect fish. I was on a dive there a few years ago and was disgusted by the areas we would come across with literally dozens and dozens of what looked like very healthy fish dead on the sea floor. May have even been hundreds in some areas.

The description of the dying sharks reminded me of that. I think most people think shopping at a good LFS here in Canada means you are not buying illegally caught fishes but thats not the case. Most wholesalers here have no idea how their fish are caught regardless of what they are told. I spoke to our dive guide after that dive and he said he sees WAY more collectors using poison than nets hands down and that was why he had no more amazing reefs to show us. The collectors have quietly moved even into tourist areas.

I love the shots of him hand feeding the sharks and then hugging them
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