I readily agree with you there. When we get young fish, they grow and thrive as captives. I have only been into this hobby for a year now (I often think of all the other cool stuff such as food and toilet paper I could buy instead of tank stuff). It is addictive but I a happy to say my addicition is fish keeping instead of substance abuse. At least I have something to show for, although last week I hit the Jamacian rum pretty hard.
I know Gryphon is an animal and probably does not think too much about a lot of things, but I do think he remembers his old life. Mind you I see he found a little cave and is happily napping in there, which makes me happy. He eats and sleeps which means he is content. When I said he looks like a bored school I was being funny. You are probably right, he was thinking of a big fat shrimp or something. At least he has something to pass his time and entertain him. When my dogs run by outside I see him perk up to see what they are doing. I like the fact that he has brains enough to have interst in our world like we have interest in theirs. I know you love puffers because they have human qualities which turn them into pets. It helps us relate to them as individuals.
I have yet to grow a large tank raised fish myself. I thought to go with a little puffer at Wai's but Gryphon was so awesome, so I will have to grow a different puffer or tang or something. My hubsand is dying for an Archilles tang, and when I learn more, I will get one for him. Wai's wants $450 for one and I have to special order it. I just am leery about that since I want to know the fish will adapt to captive life. I like to watch fish when they come into a store and stay there for a long time. Gryphon has been at the store for a few months, so I can feel safe bringing him home.
I like your choices of a clean up crew and will look into those. I really love gobies and blennies and need a few for the bottom. I have so many possibilities for fish and do want many small ones so long as they do not ge eaten. I lost my mind for the big tang for a bit since I felt sorry for him. If I got that fish I really could not have any more. I would imagine a fish of that size would put a huge bio load on my new system as well. Gryphon is a swine and he is only one fish.
Still wish you lived in Alberta, I would bring the rum over to your house and buy some of your fish.