I was really heart set on a dogfaced puffer until I saw the porky. The dogface is the one I want for a companion for Gryphon, I love them so much. I have a picture of one on my facebook. I also love the stars and stripes puffers, and if I had my way this tank would be all puffers, triggers and groupers. Any of those kinds of fish seem to have so much personality. They must be really easy to catch on a reef... My husband wants angels and tangs, but we well know that tangs need more space then we really have. I guess I just answered my own question about getting the big one from Wai's.
I saw your dogfaced puffer and wanted him so badly. I wish we could ship him, but I think it is risky. I am so broke I cannot even afford to pay attention and flying to get him is not an option. I wish I was rich.
Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer
Man I would love to send you my dogface but I just don't know about shipping. I have never done it before.
They are messy eaters. I would look into smaller fish that will eat off the bottom for a clean up crew. He will eventually eat a lot of the crabs although hermits do ok for a while. I like damsels for a clean up crew in an aggressive tank but many people don't want them in their tanks at all. I find they eat all the little bits of food. Chromis would work maybe.
I also found my five lined cardinal only stayed at the bottom to eat. He was a great one man clean up crew!