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Old 12-10-2008, 06:35 PM
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I love Gryphon very much. He is adorable and it makes me happy I could have something I wanted since I was a kid. I never got into aquariums since I knew they were expensive. This 260g is a fortune, but it is much easier to maintain then the 55g I am finding. I see your posts of fish for sale and wish I could hop on a plane and take them carry on. I respect you a huge amount since I know you love your fish. I saw your post or your porky all puffed up and it made me laugh. I want Gryphon to love me that much too. Right now he just sits and stares out the window, but lets me touch him and I am already showing him my hands are things with rewards. He is not super hungry but did appall me with his eating habits last night. I have never seen anything quite like. We stood there staring, and just didn't speak. Then it was an outburst of laughter and I checked my weater and did a water change. He is a PIG. I need a bigger clean up crew, if he doesn't eat them all.

Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
Yes you have a beautiful porc! Your very lucky

He will be a great "pet" and friend.

I am selling them for many reasons. For one I don't feel the tank was big enough anymore which is along the lines of what you were struggling with. I think I will end up with many of the same fish one day but when I can have a 300G plus tank. I still have most of them though because I am being very picky about where they go. So far the grouper and Niger have found good homes with people I know can care for them. Tank size is not always a huge issue for me but how they will be cared for is. I would rather see them in good hands in a slightly smaller tank than in a huge tank with someone who just doesn't care about them.
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