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Old 12-10-2008, 06:32 PM
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GreenSpottedPuffer GreenSpottedPuffer is offline
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Originally Posted by Pier Pressure View Post
I am moved by your dilemma and know exactly what you mean. I only keep a 28 gallon with nano fish in it who all get along. The other half of Pier Pressure wanted to go bigger, but when I showed him those big fish in the petstores he agreed it would be a bad thing to do as we would both be bothered by the "pacing". Reminds me of a lion in a cage that is too small at the zoo, and I cannot see ever being happy watching a big fish who should have been left alone in the ocean. However, the fish would probably be better off in your big tank than being sold to a newbie who thinks he would fit good in a 55 or some other such nonsense.
Pacing bother me SOOOO much. I don't have a problem with it in other peoples tanks but I can't deal with it in mine. The tank doesn't have the same serene, calm feel to it if fish are pacing back and forth. When I was at Untamed's place and saw the fish in his 400G, it was nice to see because they were swimming all over the place and never pacing.
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