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Old 12-09-2008, 10:19 PM
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Default Aquarium Controller Recommendations

I’m in the research phase of an aquarium controller purchase. I’m looking for some feedback on:
o systems that might meet my needs (see below);
o peoples experience with those systems; and
o feedback on options I should consider in the evaluation.
Something to keep in mind is I don’t have a clue on this stuff … I find it really cool what some of these systems claim they can do. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. To date I have done some reading on the Reefkeeper Elite, Profilux and Aquacontrollers. One of the challenges I am having is what products from each vendor are required and what will the total cost be.

Current System Components - Some background information on the system I want to control
• Two 400 watt metal halides (75G DISPLAY TANK)
• One 250 watt metal halide (40G FRAG TANK)
• Two 65 watt power compacts on one power cord (also on the 40G FRAG TANK)
• Top off is running an aqua lifter pump, controlled by a simple float switch setup (design curiosity of Melev’s reef)
• Kalk reactor is running a mj400 for stirring
• Fans are old pc fans, run off an old computer power supply (they are in a DIY canopy on the display tank)
• Skimmer is a Euro Reef RS180
• Display tank return pump is a Quiet One 4000
• Frag tank return pump is a Mag 2 or 3
• Sump is a 25 gallon tank
• Top off reservoir is a 33 gallon tank
• Display flow two Hydor Koralia 3 and two Sure Flow 1600 upgraded maxi-jets
• Four simple timers are used to controller lights and kalk stirrer
• May go with a bigger display – 200g-250g (other equipment maybe upgraded accordingly)
• Ballings method maybe adopted – may want dosing pumps in the future
• Looking to add some battery backup on the flow – maybe a computer UPS
Controller Requirements – current thoughts
1. Turn on lights at a specific time
2. Turn off lights at a specific time
3. Shutdown lights when tank temperature reaches a certain temperature
4. Turn on fans when temperature reaches a certain temperature
5. Turn off fans when temperature reaches a certain temperature
6. Turn off skimmer when skimmer cup is full
7. Turn off display tank return pump when display tank reaches a certain level
8. Turn off frag tank return pump when frag tank reaches a certain level
9. Turn on/off top-off pump when sump reaches certain level
10. Turn on/off RO/DI unit based on level in top-off tank
11. Turn on/off kalk stirrer at predefined times
12. Track/graph PH
13. Track/graph temperature
14. May want to track/graph other things in the future … as I learn more
15. Alarm when power goes out
16. PC / web access to control and to view status.
Notification Requirements: For many of the above actions I would also like the ability to send an email to one or more addresses at the time of the event.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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