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Old 12-09-2008, 06:37 AM
syeve syeve is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Calgary
Posts: 35
syeve is on a distinguished road

Quick update...

Tank cycled like a champ. Levels are normal, CUC is in place. I went with;

2 turbo snails
6 algea crabs
6 small snails (can't remember their name)
1 rock blennie (couldn't resist)

I'm noticing dozens of other life growing in the tank; snails, pods, algea, zoo's, mushrooms etc.

This picture has 4 snails, 1 crab, rock blennie and some type of duster just to his left.

I did upgrade the cooling as I was seeing temps creep up a little high in the day so I jumped on the DIY train and fashioned a compact and quiet fan w/bracket. Total cost was under $30 and cools very well.

So far so good!

Thanks for looking!

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