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Old 12-04-2008, 06:59 PM
R7-12 R7-12 is offline
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Location: Abbotsford, BC
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R7-12 is on a distinguished road
Default Air Driven Skimmer

Hi RuGlu6,

I have a Schuran skimmer that is venturi driven and may lend itself well to some DIY tinkering as I have done the same with another similar Shuran. The one I have available is the Schuran Filter Rack I+S that is basically a Jetskim 120 but also has a Flow Box, 2 cartridge filters and 2 Eheim 1250s. It's brand new but may be more than you want to spend. When I bought it the retail price was around $850 but I will let it go for $450.

You can view it here

Send me a PM if you're interested.

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