Thank you very much Keri, I really appreciate the photos
I’ve had him for almost 2months now, and I never noticed that before on him…only other tank mates in my 90g are two tomato clowns that host in a LTA. – I don’t think they fight, but the clowns are more aggressive eaters.
My water parameters are good
Ammonia – 0
Nitrate- 0
Nitrite- 0
PH- this test kit doesn’t work so not sure, but I think my sand acts like a ph buffer.
Salinity- 1 025
When I bought the fish they also sold me Garlic Xtreme and told me to put a drop in his food each day.
I’m starting to think it is not a cut and maybe its erecting his spin, I guess I’ll just keep an eye on him, I worry since I have a lot of live rock pushed against the back wall and he somehow try’s to squeeze himself between them to swim by and don’t want this spine to get caught on the live rock