wickedfrags auction items! Sunset Monti, "Grape Jelley" subglabra, wicked a. cytherea
Well, I have some truly wicked SPS frags available. Because several are truely limited in availabiilty, and becuase I have had many requests for them (an eye towards being fair...), I will be placing them up for auction this week here on canreef.
As I have never auctioned items before I am up for hearing members feedback on the best way to do it. May not incorporate your feedback, but would like to hear it!
I am thinking I will put the items up for sale as a pack, with an end date of 5-7 days (max). Selling the frags individually would be too much hassle. There would be a minimum price, which would be a steal.
And oh ya, up for grabs will be the Sunset Monti, "Grape Jelley" subglabra, Sunrise subglabra and wicked a. cytherea. I will also have some other sweet SPS to add to the order should you be intersted. Will post more details and pics in the next few days. Cheers.
I'm out.