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Old 11-28-2008, 11:13 PM
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Originally Posted by NewGuy View Post
1) Are T8 bulbs even available in higher colour temperatures such as 20K? I intend to go DIY lighting. I am aware that there is T12NO bulbs available from the fish stores but they are still like $20 each. If T8s are available I intend to OD them. However I might luckout and pickup some lighting for super cheap. You never know afterall.
Check out T5 setups. Coralife and Hagen put out cheap (but still usable!!!) units. Just make sure they are "high output", and will be 39w for each bulb in the 36" length. They are efficient lights, and the bulbs need to be replaced less often than T8 or T12. If you get one bulb you can keep softies, and a couple lower light LPS. If you get a dual bulb unit then you can keep any LPS you want, and maybe the odd SPS (the SOS will prob be mostly brown...montis do pretty good though).

2) For healthy DSBs is aragonite necessary? Does anyone have experience with sand beds composed of play sand? Play sand is still relatively fine and the small critters might not mind the fact that its not of the ideal composition. Aragonite will be in the display for aesthetic, livestock and chemistry purposes.
You will get a lot of different opinions on this topic. My opinon on the matter: DSBs are kind of "old school". Definately not needed, and are often not done properly, so are ultimately useless. Play sand is a perfect example of not doing it right. Personally, I wouldn't bother. Just a regular aragonite 1-2" sandbed with some feather dusters and chaeto should do the trick.

3) What is a cheap return pump that will be capable of delivering 600+gph at 4' of head? I was contemplating a Quiet One 4000 but I have been reading some unfavourable reviews about them. Are there any better or EVEN CHEAPER choices out there? It can be a sh*ity pump if its dirt cheap. I intend to use no powerheads and this return will be the only source of flow. Maybe a SCWD can be plumbed in if I can get one for CHEAP.
I would say the Quiet One is your best bet at that price range. Try looking for a used Poseidon. I found one for $100.

4) Where can I get a glass hole saw? How much would it cost me?
Try they are about $12-18 if I remember correctly. Check out their shipping policies to Canada. Real good deals.

Anyway please don't say "blah blah get a bubbleking" because its simply not feasible for me at the moment. Part of the fun comes from trying to do something with the least possible so I view this as a challenge.

Thanks for reading
You aren't asking too much at all. You should do just fine.
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

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