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Old 11-28-2008, 12:22 PM
Leah Leah is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Penticton B.C.
Posts: 2,142
Leah is on a distinguished road

This hobby is great and I think everyone should do it but from experience it is expensive
to say the least. And after forking out the big bucks it is also time consuming I would not
even care to guess at the time I spend on my tanks, granted I am a perfectionist. If I
remember from the early days trips to the L.F.S. for something or other seemed non-stop
Maybe some one out there may agree with me on this that even after buying good stuff
you still spend time fixing stuff...or is that just my bad luck. I would never dream of running a tank without a skimmer. You are setting yourself up for dissapointment it can
be and is frustrating even at the best of times. lol
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