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Old 11-28-2008, 09:42 AM
moldrik moldrik is offline
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I just got into this, but I'm going to make an attempt to make this hobby affordable. This is my projection based on the reading that I've done ( a couple books ), the amount of reading, and the past 4 weeks that my tank has been running and how much I've experienced in terms of setting up the tank, re-purchases, etc...

What I wrote is gonna be cheap. Most of it is going the super cheapest route not only for setup, but for long, cheap, student life haul. Just be realistic, the cheaper you go, the more risk you run of this project going completely downhill.

I'm being cold here, I'm not thinking best water quality, health of fish, etc... I'm thinking of what you can setup, that will probably run, your fish will probably not die, and you will be able to keep a system without a ton of upkeep ( since you lack time + money ).

Set up:
You can buy most of the equipment for cheap, a lot cheaper than in stores, the question is whether you have the patience for it. Lighting, skimmer, tank, heater, LR, etc... you can either get it for really cheap or for some of these items even free.

You already mentioned your pump that will be needed, will probably want an overflow of some sort when sending water to your refugium, you won't want your livestock getting sent over to it all the time and then getting it pumped back up ( since they'll kick the bucket ). You could also ghetto it and put some sort of soft mesh, or retrofit a strainer so nothing goes from the display to the refugium/sump thing you're frankensteining.

So right here, let's say: aquarium + hoses for free.

I think I saw a 40/50 gal Overflow for - $40
salt 160gal Instant Ocean - $40

Total: $80

So, main components, costs, side effects:
1 - Water Changes
I think the thing about this is that you'll be wanting to use RO water. People mentioned that, and things are gonna get expensive quickly if you buy the water. In the long run, a RO system will make sense for you. The stress from this will also be dependent on how heavy the bioload is.

( I'd say the RO system is gonna save you a lot of money in the long run, so i'd say prioritize one )

If you wanna go super cheap and say screw it to the RO and buying water, you'll need a filter of some sort. You'll want to do something with carbon and phosphate remover otherwise you'll run into some maintenance issues. If you don't do this, your tank will be an algea nightmare with some crappy water quality.

I went really cheap. I'd buy an used House RO system for 40 bucks from craigslist. Probably better water quality and cheaper than using a conditioner/filter to try to better the water quality. I'd maybe get some carbon/phosphate remover in a bag and simply make sure it sits in the bucket when the salt mixes for an extra $20. I don't want crazy algea outbreaks from high Phosphate in the water.

House RO system - $40
Carbon / Phosphate Remover ( in a bag )- $20

Total: $60

2 - Skimmer
This will influence how many water changes you're gonna have to do. Invest in a good one and your tank will be healthier overall ( since it will keep a stable water quality level ). If you invested in a RO system, you basically are saving the price of the Skimmer as long as you do water changes often.

( Possibly low priority, dependant on the RO unit. Get an RO unit, and you can pretty much scratch this one off the list )

You bought the RO unit, let's say you can do your water changes

Total: $0

3 - Filter
Since we can buy an house RO system for $40, I'd do that and then buy some filter media and simply use it when mixing the water.

If we went to buy a filter instead of the used house RO system, it would cost more than the RO system and probably be less beneficial.

We are talking cheap here after all.

I decided to go with the filter media and use it when mixing the water.

Total: $0 ( I already counted the $20 when buying the RO unit ).

4 - Lighting
This will be a big factor, dependant mostly on what you wanna keep. If you want a cheap setup, this area is going to get you. Insert corals into the mix and you're raising your cost here by at least $130. You can buy some crappy PC lighting for cheap but you will still be able to run your tank.

Let's say the tank comes with a canopy, One 10,000K and one Actinic

Total: $50

5 - Flow
I think the cost here is pretty small overall, get a single 3 Water Pump Koralia and you should be good for the tank ( $50 bucks ). You can probably buy a used one for pretty cheap.

Might sound stupid, but you need to take it into consideration, mixing the salt. You'll want a powerhead or something to stir up the water. I share this with the one in my tank, so when I need to mix salt, I take out the powerhead and put it in the bucket.

Shared powerhead ( tank + mixing )

Total: $50

6 - Sand
Depends on what you want, you can get some for free probably if you shop around and even if you choose to not do a DSB you'll still get some benefits from it.

I like the look, helps with the balance of the tank and gives me some good bacteria to help out with making things healty.

Plus, I can find it for free: $0 If not:

Total ( Worst Scenario ): $20 bucks in Richmond.

7 - Live Rock
Well, there is no question here. Get some, I think I found some adds in the livestock area for $1/lb.

There is no decision to make, I buy some rubble.

I'd bug the crap out of fortheloveofcrabs to see if I could get some rock shipped. Might be cheaper overall. Or you can wait in vancouver and find some cheap rock, I've seen it from $2-4 bucks a lbs.

Let's high-end this used rock at $4 a pound, x 40 ( going light on the rocks ) = $160 ( a fairly average, price outside of the LFS ).

If fortheloveofcrabs ships @ $1/lbs + shipping, the shipping is probably cheaper than $120 which makes more sense than getting 40lbs from the LFS.

Total ( Worst Scenario ): $160

8 - Heater
Buy a used one, I'm sure you can find one cheap or free.

Bought a new one, this stuff is crucial and I want something good.

Total: $32

9 - Everything else....
Well you are gonna need a few extra things that add up the cost, cause these are minimal, but you need to get them.

Hydrometer, Food, Test Kits, possibly some additives. If you're using tap water, you might want to get some water treatment conditioners.

This stuff adds up:
Hydrometer: $14
Food: $40 ( frozen brine shrimp, flakes, Phytoplankton ) - I'm going as cheap as possible if you wanna keep corals
Test Kits: $60
Total: $114

This is not including ANY livestock.

I would definately invest in a skimmer, you don't have much time. Having to do these water changes constantly will get the best of you. I would also spend the money on a skimmer, even if it's a crappy one. I bought a Red Sea Prizm ( I know they are bad ) for $30 bucks. It works and it helps with aeration and circulation. This will give you less of a headache.

I would not go crazy with this tank, I'd set up a good ammount of snails and some sand sifters to clean up the tank. And probably only keep a few small fish, with a few coral dependant on the lighting.

Salt + Overflow + Tank Setup = Total: $80
Home RO System + Filter Media = Total: $60
Skimmer = Total: $0
Filter = Total: $0
Lighting = Total: $50
Flow = Total: $50
Sand = Total: $20 ( Worst Case )
Live Rock = Total: $160 ( Worst Case )
Heater = Total $32
Everything Else = $114

Grand Total: $566 + taxes

You could bump this up to $700- $750 + taxes ( about $30 in taxes since most of it is used ) and be able to afford yourself some much better lighting and a cheap skimmer ( like mine ). You can go cheaper, and possibly find more stuff for free, but I'm trying to average a "realistic & cheap" budget.
medical marijuana

Last edited by moldrik; 01-24-2011 at 02:03 PM.
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