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Old 11-28-2008, 08:07 AM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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One thing about the reefing side of the hobby is that it is expensive. It is theoretically possible to cheap out on equipment, but you'll probably never achieve the results or the livestock health that you hope for. I have always maintained that either you spend the $$ or the time (preferably both) if you want to grow corals.

If you cheap out on lights, you'll end up being unhappy with the colour or intensity & wish you had gotten something better in the first place (most reefers have upgraded their lighting several times by trying this route).

If you go skimmerless, then either have minimum fish/feeding or be prepared to do water changes. Without a skimmer or water changes, you're looking at much higher probability of a tank crash due to hair algae from the build up of nutrients.

Most cheap/generic T8s I believe are 6700k or lower, so your tank will be yellowish & your water will look like pee.

Yes, it is possible to go this route (I started out totally KISS) but the odds of success are much lower. In the end, I spent a lot more money upgrading tanks & equipment so that now my systems are more-or-less self-sufficient (minimum water changes/maintenance). But to reach that state, I spent a LOT of $$ to get the proper equipment.

On another fish board, I have lots of members ask the same types of questions & I usually recommend that if they don't have the time or $$ to do it properly, then wait till your circumstances change (ie. graduate & get a good job) before jumping into sw.

From what you've stated so far, I would also recommend doing a low bioload fowlr first & then try some softie frags when you have more money for proper lighting &/or skimmer/water changes.

Remember, if you go this cheapout route & fail, its not just a little of your money lost, but also all the livestock you will have killed for no good reason. Something to think about.

If you see it, can take care of it, better get it or put it on hold. Otherwise, it'll be gone & you'll regret it!
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