[quote=NewGuy;363791]Sooo after many months of lurking around reef forums and drooling over peoples reef systems, the yearning is starting to take its toll on my sanity

. I have freshwater experience and a biosciences background so I am familiar with most of the chemistry issues and the general science side of things. What I lack is practical experience, cash, and time (full-time student).
Anyway I am trying to assess the feasibility of attempting to start a marine/reef setup for the
lowest cost possible. I am under no illusion that I will be keeping SPS or anything, only some softies or maybe even a LPS!! I have a 30g and a 29g which I picked up for cheap. I intend to go skimmerless (to reduce cost and it seems doable from some of the threads on RC) so most of the 29g will become a refugium with a DSB for nutrient export and parameter stabilization while the 30g (36") will become the display. Hopefully the large size of the refugium to display ratio will help alot.
So I have a few questions for you reefers out there.

Oh and if you recommend items please be aware that I am unable to purchase online. Everything will have to be sourced locally. I am in the Vancouver area.
1) Are T8 bulbs even available in higher colour temperatures such as 20K? I intend to go DIY lighting. I am aware that there is T12NO bulbs available from the fish stores but they are still like $20 each. If T8s are available I intend to OD them. However I might luckout and pickup some lighting for super cheap. You never know afterall.
i would say go with T5 lighting, it can be cheap if you search around, aquatic addictions in abbotsford has some good prices and with T5's you will have good quality lighting
2) For healthy DSBs is aragonite necessary? Does anyone have experience with sand beds composed of play sand? Play sand is still relatively fine and the small critters might not mind the fact that its not of the ideal composition. Aragonite will be in the display for aesthetic, livestock and chemistry purposes.
i would really suggest not going with a DSB. if you want sand, use enough to cover the glass and whatever is at the bottom of thank. DSB can be a MAJOR hassle in the long wrong