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Old 11-26-2008, 03:51 PM
Whatigot Whatigot is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Coquitlam, B.C.
Posts: 680
Whatigot is on a distinguished road

I don't think it's fair to tell a newb that fish will not school without a predator to "scare" them.

Give it a shot, people told me the same and I have enjoyed the schooling of my chalkies ever since.

I did a lot of reading on this in the past and as with everything in this hobby, found great arguments for both positions.

I actually have a "school" of fish, with 0 predators and they are a pleasure to watch in action.

They do not school all the time, but what treat when they do and no extra fish I don't want in my tank just because someone told me I needed it.

Damsels are a great, cheap fish to learn and experiment for yourself with, I am pretty sure you will need the same kind of damsel for it to have a chance of working though...

Good luck, make usure you report back to this forum when you try it out.
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