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Old 11-25-2008, 09:46 PM
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Originally Posted by dabandit View Post
Arent you friendlly.I've spent a week researching this....think about it b efore you go accusing me of being a liar AGAIN Par value is the percentage of light that reaches the target after disspation via heat and such is it not? Now take a mh bulb and compare how far the light goes to a headlight on a car better yet look directlly into each because your begining to annoy me
Through my research I've found what I wanted to know and believe I've provide enough proof that this is a viable technology,if thats not good enough for you thats not my problem try google,then come apologise when your done
Yeah I admit I'm the rude one for asking for a simple link to help clarify your blunt statements. PAR, as already stated, is the Photosynthetically Active Radiation which is pretty self explanatory and the beam created by a headlight is a result from the reflector not the bulb.
Just because something makes sense in your head doesn't make it fact and just stating you've done research doesn't give credibility, the most important part of any research project are the references.
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