Originally Posted by fiorano
well if this is the case what is a really neat tang i can keep in a 125?
Thanks Myka for having the courage to post. I will send you a badge.
Thanks fiorano for asking before you buy.
The sailfish tang grows to 18 inches (picture a pie plate swimming in your tank and now double the size)
If your tank is a 6 footer, choose an acanthurus species.
www.wetwebmedia.com lists the good and bad ones.
If your tank is shorter, choose a kole. They are beautiful fish with and endearing personality.
Some reefers with the best of intentions attempt to justify a tang purchase by saying that they will upgrade to a larger tank later. But, plans change; financial, family or a move.
We can't make those plans but we can look forward to getting that tang when we we do have the size of tank necessary to accomodate their needs.
As reefers, we owe it to the fish we keep to provide optimum conditions for them and nothing less.