Originally Posted by Xenia
This is my little friend Elvis.
He is a Discordipinna Griessingeri (spike-fin goby), which have the reputation to be very shy and secretive (...if I was only an inch small, I would be hide a lot too).
He was friendly enough to sit on my Yumas and pose a little. I had to decide between staring at him in awe or grab the camera quickly.
I decided to run and when I came back he was still waiting for me 
I had no time to fiddle with my settings though...oh, and of course the camera had to zoom in on the algae spots on my glass, too....

Very cool fish. I've wanted one for awhile but I have no desire to take care of a nano tank. Hummm.... maybe some day I'll plumb in a 30g to my two 230g tanks.