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Old 11-19-2008, 05:22 PM
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Myka Myka is offline
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Location: Saskatoon, SK.
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Originally Posted by phillybean View Post
Ah good to hear. Are the Bangaii's still breeding? Do you have any frags to bring?

When I had my planted tank, I just used a Coke Bottle, Sugar, Yeast, Airline tubing and a air stone and my plants grew like mad!
Holy! I didn't expect so many people!! That's awesome! I hope everyone shows up.

I assume the Bangaii's are still breeding. but my tank sitter says both of them have been eating the whole time, so maybe they haven't had a batch since then. They had a batch about 6 weeks ago, so they're due any time now.

I have a single Candy Cane frag I can bring. I've been holding a frag for nazerine for a while too, so I'll bring that one as well. I don't have much right now. I purged before I left.

I have a similar DIY CO2 thingy set up right now, but it's a lot of work for my tank-sitter, and she's not very reliable at filling the bottle up often enough so the level of CO2 is fluctuating terribly in the tank, hence massive algae growth. I will either need to put pressurized CO2 on it to stabilize it, and take away some maintenance, or tear it down.
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

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