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Old 11-18-2008, 03:52 AM
yeeg yeeg is offline
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Tanglewood
Posts: 57
yeeg is on a distinguished road
Default Why outside Calgary?

Between Coral Master and Red Coral, I'm not sure why anyone would go outside the city to buy any frags...Unless of course someone has a special frag or colony that no one in the city has...I have bought many pieces from Red Coral as well as Coral Master and wouldnt think of going outside the city...

650G Mixed, 5 - Lumenarc 250w 10K, 4 - Tunze Turbelle 6101 w/7095, BK 250 External

650# - Tonga LR, 49 sps, 9 lps, 4 softies, 10 mush/zoas, 1 clam

Blonde Naso, Sohal, 2 Yellow Tangs, Juv Emperor, CBB, Achilles, Kole, Solar Fairy Wrasse, paired pencil Wrasse, Cleaner Wrasse, Blue lined rabbit Fish, 8 clowns, lawnmower blenny, mandarin dragonet, sand sifting goby, abalone, tux urchin, black spiny urchin, 4 cleaner shrimp, 1 fire shrimp, 150+ snails/crabs/conches
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