"although sometimes i realise that i get somthing that i was wanting long time ago..."
That is not a coincident. These are all things that you truly wanted, thus you are getting them.
This is how I came to my "awakening" BEFORE seeing the movie or any movie like it.
I looked around and noticed that I had every single thing I set out to obtain in my life, everything I had ever dreamnt about. Right to a tee! Beautiful wife, self employed, working from home in a massive dream home, 5 acres of land in BC, saltwater fish tanks, motor bikes, dirt bikes, quads, all brand new, a 4x4, a 1/2 ton, huge home theate room including a 10, 000 watt stereo that I also use parts of to power my PA system. Which is used for performing live in one of the many bands I have played in as the lead vocalist, guitarist and bass player. All of which are self taught skills. I am not trying to brag or paint a picture of how wonderful things are for me. I am just want to point out that I was describing ALL of things in detail to my freinds over 20 years ago, that is what floored me.
I am not going to go on and on here, clearly this is not the proper place. If anyone would like to know more about this kind of stuff feel free to PM anytime.

230 mixed reef / 230 gal sump/fuge