Cowtown Water
Has great hardness, but has in it significant Phosphate (~2 - 3 ppm), which is high enough to cause algae problems. So I run it through RO/DI to get rid of that and silicates (also causes diatom problems). Why take a chance and start with pure water. It cuts out all the variables, but the quality of your salt mix. Then if you buy the best (Reefers Choice, Reef Chrystals, H2Ocean Pro+ etc.), then you should have no water chemistry or nutrient issues.
180 gal tank, 50 gal sump, PM RFCa6 Ca Reactor, SWC Extreme 250 1A Cone Skimmer, Tunz Osmolator ATOF, Aquacontroller Apex, Aquaillumination Sol Super Blue 6 x 75w Units, Acros/Softies/LPS/Mushrooms/Zoos, Purple/Powder Blue/Yellow Tang/3xBlue Chromis/2xTomato Clown/Lawnmower Blenny