Thread: xenia question
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Old 11-16-2008, 09:26 PM
2manytanks 2manytanks is offline
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Originally Posted by Tom R View Post
I find in most SPS tanks xenia can be a challenge. I find that my SPS tank has more flow than Xenia is comfortable with, try a spot where there is a lot less flow. I think Xenia requires a lot more nutrient than a normal SPS tank has.
I wonder if it may actually be the SPS affecting the xenia rather than the tank conditions. When I set up my new tank and moved everything into it my xenia were subjected to much higher flowrates and mh lights rather than pc's. They have flourished (in fact I'm going to have to frag some out soon, it's really getting crowded) and are pulsing. I have xenia right from the bottom of the tank all the way to the top, within about 10" of the lights, and in areas where the current varies from quite low to being directly in front of powerheads. Directly in front of the powerheads it seems to grow a bit slower, but it does grow and still pulses.

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