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Old 11-16-2008, 09:04 PM
Borderjumper Borderjumper is offline
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Default moose horn montipora and more

I dont know the proper name of this montipora, but the branches look like moose antlers. Its gotten too tall and I need to cut it back. Frags will be the longer branches mounted horizontally. $15 each.

I also have these 2 acros.. much too big to be called frags. $25 each

and these purple and green A. Horrida $25 each

and 2 of there blue digi's.. again much too big to be called frags $25

and I think I have 2 double frags of my lime green cap $25

I will ship to Vancouver on Harbour Air, at your expense. It usually runs $10-15 for 3-4 frags.
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