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Old 11-16-2008, 05:08 PM
Fingerling Fingerling is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Abbotsford, BC
Posts: 4
Fingerling is on a distinguished road

Hi there. I was in your store yesterday and am thrilled that you have taken over the place, because your passion is obvious.

Thank you Nikki for your assistance - I'm the gal who came in with a pile of questions not long before closing time and told you about how I bought a previously-owned Oceanic Biocube there a year and a half ago, which has been sitting beside my desk empty until now, and that I had been under the impression since buying it that it was an 8 gal.

I didn't mention it in our conversation, but that day that I came in to buy a bowl and siamese and walked out with a Biocube, I wandered around for an hour before anyone asked me if I needed help. No biggie to me personally, cuz that's what I wanted to do. But as a business tactic, it was a Big Fail. I'm tickled pink that you and Dan have taken over the space and am sure you will do great. Needless to say, I also feel fortunate that I live ten minutes away from the shop.

One thing that came with the used tank/stand combo was the original Oceanic Owners Manual and as you suggested, I measured my tank and compared that, along with the lights, to the specs, and it seems that it's a 14 gal I have, not an 8. YAY! I'm really raring to go now.

Oh, and thanks for telling me about this forum too!